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  • A US citizen has been caught swindling Rs 1 million from a person in Bhaktapur

    Bhaktapur postbhaktapur, 4 August 2020
    १९६३ पटक
    bhaktapur, 4 August 2020

    A US citizen has been caught swindling Rs 1 million from a person in Bhaktapur for registering a company in the US. Police have arrested Daniel Lee McGee, a 65-year-old U.S. citizen, on suspicion of fraud.

    According to the Nepal Police, Tuk Narayan Shrestha, who owns a house in Suryabinayak-6,Baktapur became victim. Daniel took 1 million Rs from him for registering his security company in the US. Daniel was arrested by the police team deployed from the Metropolitan Crime Branch, Min Bhawan on sunday.

    Daniel Lee McGee, a 65-year-old U.S. citizen, was arrested for trying to defraud two other people besides Tuk Narayan, police said. Police arrested him from Kshetrapati in Kathmandu while he was trying to swindle Rs 500,000 each on a business visa.

    Police said that further investigation is underway in this regard.

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