Your Excellency Mr. AntónioGuterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations
Former Prime Ministers and My Cabinet Colleagues
Under Secretary General of the United Nations,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Namaste and Good Evening!
It is my privilege toextend, on behalf of the Government and people of Nepal and on my own, a warm welcome to YourExcellencyMr. AntónioGuterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, and members of your delegation in the Himalayan country Nepal, the birthplace of Gautam Buddha.
I recall your earlier visits to Nepal in your previous capacity as well as our meetings in Italy and New York in the past few weeks.
This evening, I am pleasedto host thisbanquet in honour of our most worthy guest and the distinguished members of his delegation.
My memories are still afresh of welcomingyour predecessor His Excellency Mr. Ban Ki-moon in 2008 while Nepal wastransitioning to peace after an epochal political transformation.
Since then, the peace process has marched a long and successful journey, a journey that stands as a testament of the commitment and determination of Nepali political leadership,enduring resilience of our people and continued goodwill and support of international community, including the United Nations.
The promulgation of the Constitution in 2015 and the successive two cycles of democratic elections at all three tiers of federal system reaffirm that we are on the right path, a path of peace, stability, democracy, and development. As we gear to the concluding phase of the remaining leg of the peace process,I am confident that we will accomplish it in equally successful way and present a successful example of conflict transformation to peace and democracy.
We highly value the United Nations’support throughout this process and goodwill of the international community.
Principles enshrined in the UN Charter constitute guiding principles of Nepal’s foreign policy. Nepal firmly believes that complex global issues can be addressed only through multilateral-ism with the United Nations at its center. Nepal takes immense pride in its enduringassociation with the United Nationsin the maintenance of international peace and security through UN mandated peacekeeping missions. Our dedicated and professional Army and police have selflessly rendered services with distinction even in the most complex and difficult situations.
United Nations cooperation in Nepal’s socio-economic development has been equally important for us. UN’s support in critical areas of education, health, maternal and childcare and immunization has helped improve Nepal’s human development indicators and augment Nepal’s progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
We in Nepal highly admire your visionary leadership at the most challenging times and your commitment to advancing the cause of global peace, security, sustainable development, climate justice, and fair global economic order.
In conclusion, let me,once again, warmly welcome Your Excellency Secretary General, and wish you and the members of the delegation a pleasant and memorable stay in Nepal.
With these words, I now invite you, Excellencies, distinguished friends, ladies and gentlemen, to join me in proposing a toast:
to the good health and happiness of His Excellency Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations,
to the everlasting partnership between Nepal and the United Nations.
Thank you!
Banquet Speech by The Prime Minister of Nepal Mr.Pushpa Kamal Dahal “Prachanda” at the Dinner Hosted in the Honour of Mr. AntónioGuterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations During His Official Visit to Nepal.