Your Excellency Mr. AntónioGuterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations Former Prime Ministers and My Cabinet Colleagues Under Secretary General of the United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen, Namaste and Good Evening! It is my privilege...बाँकी
AntónioGuterres peace process PM Prachanda Secretary-General of the United Nations united nations
On the occasion of World Tourism Day, the first group to enter Bhaktapur has been honored. Mayor Sunil Prajapati welcomed the group at Khauma Dhwaka in Bhaktapur Darbar area on Thursday morning. 17 tourists, including...बाँकी
bhaktapur bhaktapur municipality bhaktapur news bhaktapurpost bhaktapurtimes Municipality welcomes the first group to enter Bhaktapur city sunil prajapati
Nepal Eco Panel has emerged as the best option for constructing school buildings quickly and efficiently. This innovative building material is easy to install and can be used to build a school building within a...बाँकी
Nepal Eco panel
Health Minister of Bagmati Province Nima Lama has said that the budget for Ayurveda health has been increased 3 times during his tenure. He said that he gave priority to Ayurveda medicine and increased the...बाँकी
bhaktapur bhaktapur news bhaktapurpost
Abrar H. Hashmi is the new ambassador of Pakistan to Nepal. He handles the place of Syed Haider Shah as the ambassador of Pakistan to Nepal. According to an official of the Pakistani Embassy in...बाँकी
pakistan pakistan in bhaktapur
The 11th Municipal Council of Bhaktapur Municipality has demanded the abolition of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Compact between Nepal and the United States. At a meeting of the Municipal Council chaired by Municipal Chairman...बाँकी
MCC nemakipa
Democracy is now being debated around the world. Not only in the political system of the country, but also democratic practices within every institution, is discussed. There needs to be more discussion globally on it....बाँकी
journalists in Bhaktapur have received both doses of the Chinese vaccine Verocell. On Thursday, they are given a second dose of the Chinese vaccine Verocell against covid 19. Journalists of Bhaktapur have been vaccinated on...बाँकी
Bhaktapur khabar bhaktapur news bhaktapurpost chinanepal verocell
The definition of democracy It is said that democracy is the system of governance for the welfare of the people and the upliftment of the country. According to Abraham Lincoln, the first black president of...बाँकी
Everyone has their own way of celebrating birthdays but few people celebrate their birthdays through social work. Dil Kumar Bala, a young leader and social worker of Changunayan Municipality 9 Tathali has celebrated his birthday...बाँकी
bhaktapur Bhaktapur khabar bhaktapur news bhaktapurpost changu changu narayan