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  • Exemplary work of young leader Bala

    Bhaktapur postbhaktapur, 25 july 2021
    १६९० पटक
    dil kumar balabhaktapur, 25 july 2021

    Everyone has their own way of celebrating birthdays but few people celebrate their birthdays through social work. Dil Kumar Bala, a young leader and social worker of Changunayan Municipality 9 Tathali has celebrated his birthday by doing such exemplary work. He celebrated his birthday not only by donating blood but also through blood donation program.

    Bala, who is also the proprietor of the Tathali party venue, had coordinated a blood donation program on the occasion of his birthday at the venue on Sunday. The blood donation program was jointly organized by Tathali Party Venue, Nepal Red Cross Society and Quick Response Center of  Changunarayan.

    ”As blood donation is a life donation, I’m so happy for the program on the occasion of my birthday”, said program coordinator and blood donor Dil kumar Bala.

    Sejal Gelal, co-coordinator of Quick Response Center Changunarayan, said that the blood donation program was organized after the shortage of blood increased due to the wave of covid 19. she says that the organization is active in social work during every disaster.

    The program was attended by young students, women and intellectuals from different fields. On the occasion,23 blood donors including Dil Kumar Bala, Madan Dhungana, Rita Bala, Prakash Thapa, Manoj Bala, Sunil Nehmfuki, Anil Nehmfuki, Himal Basnet, Rochak Shrestha, Sarmila Khadka, Subhanga Dhungana, Sajan Nehmfuki, Subhraj Shrestha, Ritesh Bala, Surya Khadka and  others donated blood.

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