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  • Two journalists in Charikot clean-up campaign

    अनलाइनपर्दा संवाददाता
    १६८७ पटक

    Charikot, Jan 11 : Two journalists have put in place a joint campaign to keep Dolakha district headquarters, Charikot, neat and clean.

    Former central member of Federation of Nepali Journalists, Chiranjibi Maskey, and Nepal Press Union Bagmati region special Coordinator Ramesh Khatiwada took the initiative to remove flags and banners political parties put up on electric poles during elections campaigns.

    “The flags and banners now are showing ugly picture of the city when the political parties did not remove the polls publicity materials even after the elections so we have come up with the campaign”, Khatiwada shared.

    Journalist duo, Maskey and Khatiwada, are also involving local people in the sanitation campaign. Locals have appreciated the campaign and joined their hands in the effort.

    Professionally Khatiwada is associated with Nagarik Daily and Maskey works for Nepal Samacharpatra Daily.

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