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  • Whereabouts of a mother with sons unknown

    अनलाइनपर्दा संवाददाता
    १२७६ पटक

    Kanchanpur, Jan 11 : The whereabouts of Chaini Devi Rana, 22, of Shuklaphanta municipality-6, Kasraul of Kanchanpur along with her two sons are still unknown.

    She had gone missing from home with her two sons, jewelleries and clothes without informing family members some 11 days ago.

    Her husband Chaitu Rana shared that he could not find the missing members of his family despite much effort.

    Chaini along with her eight-year-son Ajaya and six-year-old son Abi had abandoned the home on last December 27 when there was no one in the house.
    Rana had also submitted applications to the judicial committee of the municipality and Area Police Office, Jhalari seeking their assistance in finding his missing family members.

    The family members of Rana have suspected that the human trafficking racketeers might have taken away them on temptation.

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