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  • Award bagging Rs 51,000 to Dahal

    अनलाइनपर्दा संवाददाता
    १४७९ पटक

    Bhadrapur, Jan 11 : The Lekhnath Library, Chandragadhi, Jhapa honoured and awarded a student and five literary writers on the occasion of 134th birth anniversary of Kabi Shiromani Lekhnath Poudel.

    At a programme organized at Chandragadhi of Jhapa on Wednesday, literary enthusiast Mitra Prasad Dahal was honoured with the Shree Prasad Oli Memorial Literature Award bagging cash prize of Rs 51,111.

    Likewise, the genre-wise best literary writers were also awarded and honoured on the occasion.

    The Shyam Krishna Kamakshya literary award was handed to Shanta Gautam and ninth grader at Birendra Secondary School, Chandragadhi, Anusha Basnet while the Bhakta Kiran literature honour was also given away to Krishna Anamol.

    Meanwhile, Ananda Prasad Ghimire was honoured with the title of district level poet. The winners of the poetry recitation competition wee also felicitated at the programme.

    Library Chairperson Nawaraj Ghimire and academician Dadhi Raj Subedi were the chief guests of the function.

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