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  • Concrete bridge constructed over Karnali river at Achham

    Achham, Feb 5
    ३९७४ पटक
    Achham, Feb 5

    Travel has become easier on the Pushpalal (Mid-hills) Highway with the construction of a concrete bridge over the Karnali river which forms the border between Achham and Dailekh districts.
    This is the longest bridge among the 80 bridges that are to be constructed under the Mid-hills Highway that runs begins at Paanchthar in the east and ends at Jhulaghat in far-west. It is 200 metres long and constructed at Belkhet. The bridge has been constructed at a cost of Rs 225 million.
    The locals are happy with the construction of the concrete bridge. Before this, vehicles and goods were transported across the river with the help of ferry.
    “The construction of the bridge here has now made travel easier not only for the vehicles but also for the locals,” said one Meena Nepali of Bayala, Achham.
    Forty-eight out of the 80 concrete bridges have been constructed under the highway. Thirty-two are under construction. The Pushpalal Highway is 1,786 kilometres long. It connects 215 settlements of 25 districts in the hilly region.

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