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  • No party is ruling or opposition when it comes to country prosperity: PM Oli

    Kathmandu, March 11
    १४५४ पटक
    Kathmandu, March 11

    Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli today said that there is nothing like a ruling party or opposition when it comes to the nation’s prosperity.

    “National development campaign does not belong to only ruling party, but it is a common journey. The campaign maybe led by the ruling party or me in the capacity of Prime Minister,” he said while addressing today’s parliamentary meeting.

    “We want peace, stability and development. We can involve in a dispute as ruling party and opposition. But we cannot enjoy this facility as ruling party or opposition at this point of time. We should cooperate with each other.”

    He also expressed his commitment to become a server for the people as the PM.

    “I am not a PM only for PM nor was I elected to commit corruption. I will serve for the people, and will treat all the same,” he said.

    He pledged to work for the welfare and aspiration of the people, while stressing the need for developing agriculture, trade, energy, and foreign aids for creating the base for the prosperity of the country.

    The Prime Minister also expressed hope that all parliament members would give him the vote of confidence.

    Saying that the CPN (UML) and CPN (Maoist Centre) have expressed commitment to the country and the people with electoral alliance, he said that his government would be accountable towards international community and expressed the determination to implement the issues mentioned in the common election manifesto.

    The Prime Minister said that they would pay attention in making positive changes in people’s life, institutionalizing democracy along with socio-economic rights and respecting people’s devotion and faith.

    He also expressed belief that they would move ahead to a journey to identify the path of economic prosperity along with social harmony by ending discrimination.

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