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  • Gods and Goddesses are awake tonight in madhyapur of Bhaktapur

    Bhaktapurpost17aug 2019
    १५३० पटक
    17aug 2019

    The gods and goddesses are going to dance from tonight at Madhyapur Thimi of Bhaktapur district.

    The next day of Gaijatra is the starting day of the dance every year. It starts from Bhadra Krishna Dwitiya (Gulanga Dwitiya) to Panchami as per the tradition.

    There will be a performance of Nilwarahi in Bode, Mahakali in Nagadesh and Bhairav ​​dance in Thimi. In these dances, there has been a tradition of performing dance in accordance with classical rituals and traditions by wearing a deity’s crown.

    In Mallakal, there is a prevailing belief in the Madhyapur Thimi area that demons, vampires, dankini and evil spirits were hurting everywhere, and the deities were awakened in order to defeate those demonic spirits.

    According to legend, the evil spirits wear defeated by the Gods and Goddesses when the tantrik awaked deities in human body while dancing.

    It is believed that dances are done till now in the memory of all, deities did for the people.


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