The UNESCO delegation has reviewed the present progress of Bhaktapur city’s heritage reconstruction listed in the World Heritage List. The delegation on Thursday reviewed the reconstruction situation.
from UNESCO Dr. Gamini VGSuria, Katherine Forbes and Napina Shrestha Singh, along with staff from Archeology Department, were welcomed at Bhaktapur Municipality on Thursday by Municipal Chief Sunil Prajapati and Deputy Chief Rajni Joshi.
The Chief informed the delegation about the work done by the municipality in the preservation and sanitation of the heritage. He informed that Bhaktapur municipality is encouraging the householders to build houses in their original style to develop cultural heritage as protected city.
The chief Prajapati explained that the construction of houses in the original style are getting 35 percent of the cost of brick, wood and roofs from the municipality. he said that municipality is prohibiting the entry of vehicles into the Durbar area and Taumadhi area of the World Heritage List.
Referring to the municipality working to conserve the heritage, priorities have been restored and renovated after the earthquake, and so far 90 properties have been reconstructed, he said. He said that more than 15 are under construction. He informed that the famous temple of Bhaktapur, the temple of Bhairabnath has been completed recently and many present-day temples including the famous 7-storey temple are under renovation.
Rajani Joshi, deputy chief of the municipality, who is also an engineer, gave a detailed presentation about the Singha Dhwaka under construction, answering the questions raised by the delegation. Bhaktapur Municipality and Archaeological Department have decided to jointly participate in the workshop seminar for the rebuilding of the palace in SinghaDhwaka.
from UNESCO Dr. Gamini praised the heritage preservation done by Bhaktapur municipality. On the occasion, information was taken about the efforts of Bhaktapur Municipality in the preservation of tangible and intangible culture during the reconstruction of the property and the effectiveness of the property reconstruction through the Consumers Committee.
Katherine Forbes of the congregation learned about the challenge of heritage reconstruction, whether or not heritage was appreciated by the public, and the challenges of rebuilding heritage in the old fashioned way.