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  • President Hamid visited Bhaktapur on Tuesday.

    Baburam Dahal/ Bhaktapur post12 Nov. 2019
    २२३५ पटक
    12 Nov. 2019

    The President of Bangladesh Mr. Mohammad Abdul Hamid has visited Bhaktapur city. President Hamid, who is on a four-day official visit to Nepal, paid a visit to Bhaktapur on Tuesday.

    The team, including Sunil Prajapati, chief of Bhaktapur municipality, welcomed the 52 members special team led by President Hamid and paid a visit to the heritage sites of cultural and archeological importance located in Bhaktapur Durbar area.

    On the occasion, President Hamid eagerly observed the cultural, archaeological and historical heritage of Bhaktapur, and he also had a keen observation of the Makha Pyakhan and Devi Pyakhan (dance) organized by the Bhaktapur municipality in his honor.

    In that order, President Hamid said that Sher Singh in Devi Pyakhan had a theme similar to the cultural dance of Bangladesh. Likewise today, on the full moon day of November, he also observed a very interesting painting of food exhibited by the local Dafa bhajan.

    President Hamid took curiosity about the economic activities of Bhaktapur, tourism, handicrafts, traditional agriculture, etc., and learned about the fundamental characteristics of the properties listed in the World Heritage and the effects of earthquake on it, said Kirtika Prajapati, press coordinator of Bhaktapur Municipality.

    On the occasion, President Hamid visited the site of National Art Museum, Golden Door, 55 windows palace, Siddhilakshmi Temple, Yaksheshwar Mahadev Temple, 5 storeyed Temple of Toamadhi area and Bhairavnath Temple while traveling.

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