Ganga Prasad Upreti, Chancellor, Nepal Academy
A pandemic is not only with a country. It is not created by someone as well. With the changes in the environment, new diseases occur from time to time. Corona is one of the most widely known viruses in the world seen in the city of Wuhan, China. It has killed hundreds of people. Tens of thousands of people have been infected. However, it is also very meaningful for human beings to detect the virus in China because China has launched a very big campaign to control it immediately. Due to the high strategy of China, not much damage was done. China is gradually gaining more success over it. If the virus had been found in other countries than China, it was sure to kill millions of people. China has fought to prevent the destruction of the humankind from protect to the Coronavirus, conducting the big campaign and operating with huge resources, is very important. I cannot praise it.
Although China has been carrying out a massive campaign against the Coronavirus, it is spreading worldwide including South Korea, Philippines, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Iran, Germany, France, etc. It has challenged the entire human beings. South Korea, Japan, Italy also leaping ahead on the list of worst-hit countries. TedrosAdhanomGhebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO) had told in a conference a few days ago the signs of transmission outside China are increasing. According to the latest data of WHO 3,736 cases are in South Korea. Likewise, Italy 1,128, Iran 593, Japan 239, Singapore 102, France 100, United States 72, Germany 66, Spain 46, Kuwait 45, Thailand 42, Bahrain 40, Taiwan 40, Australia 26, Malaysia 25, United Kingdom 23, Canada 20, United Arab Emirates 19, Switzerland 18 cases have been found.
In every corner of the world, people are affected and conducting various programs for the control of Corona. We need to be careful, especially in areas or places where people are very approachable. This does not mean that the corona can be controlled only by blocking traffic. Multi-ethnic, multi-lingual and multicultural countries like Nepal, various social, religious and political programs are taking place daily. The government of Nepal has declared visit Nepal 2020 as a tourism year. Nepal is a Corona free country till date, so many people are coming to Nepal to visit. However, it is difficult to predict that how and when the disease will occur. So we need to be very careful. The GON should manage good arrangements for quarantine at international airport and borders. In the TIA and all borders should establish virus testing technology. If corona is suspected treatment should be done immediately. It’s the main responsibility of the government and all people also be very aware to safe own self especially in the festivals. At such fairs or festivals, they must wear masks and pay attention to cleaning.
In Nepal, there are many own festivals of Hindus, Buddhists have their own ceremonies and festivals, fairs and gatherings. On those occasions, a large number of people gather. In that situation, if one person gets infected with the virus, then thousands can be infected easily. On the other hand, China and Nepal have lined geographical boundaries. Plenty of Chinese tourists come to Nepal, and Tibetan refugees are also living in different places of Nepal. In the past, some people came from China, and they are staying here hiding in refugee camps. Even now cannot say that they will not come. And it’s hard to say that they don’t have virus infections. They can participate in any gathering program or any festival, we should not forget that people have a strong presence in their religious activities.
We also do not forget that a person can be our own, but the disease cannot be our own. So unless we have full control of Corona as much as we can, it is best not to go to such a place where there is greater public participation. If it is necessary to go, things such as masks, gloves, hand gloves, we must use.
The Chinese Embassy in Nepal has guaranteed that there is no infection of the coronavirus among Nepalese living in cities including Wuhan in China. However, some Western media outrageously disseminated the subject. People living in either Wuhan or any part of China preached that they could die of coronavirus infection at any time. That kind of publicity caused mental illness in people more than physically. As a result, people have left the state. Such unwarranted propaganda seems to be the only chance it can undermine China. However, they never realized that China was fighting against Coronavirus by taking control of their city, protecting the health of the people of the world. Instead, they kept busy expressing the horror of Corona. In the past, some Western media have been making such false propaganda against China and this time as well. But their purpose has not been fulfilled. Because their intention was bad.
Some western media have been trying to attack on China, which is fighting against coronavirus In order to weaken the Chinese economy. However, they do not know that the whole world will sink if China’s economy sinks. It is foolish to imagine that this problem will weaken China or undermine China’s economy. Now is the time to make a significant contribution to the problem of China, not just its problem, but the world’s problem.
I watched an interview with a Chinese doctor today. He expressed confidence that China would fully control Corona by April. I am optimistic that the way in which China has put all its power to control Corona is highly praiseworthy and China will soon succeed in controlling Coronavirus. Also, China’s life will be normal soon. As a good neighbor, we admire the way the Chinese government has progressed through the campaign against the Coronavirus. We believe that this is not just China’s problem; it is the common problem of the whole human being. I wish the Chinese people will get success soon and good luck to fight.