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  • Nepka village in Nepal where the Sun rises and sets 7 times a day

    Karna bahadur Rokayahumla, 28 september 2020
    २४८१ पटक
    humla, 28 september 2020

    The high mountain ranges have been patrolling the area 24 hours a day, regularly and continuously for twelve months. They have audited the truth. There are black and white horoscopes. The good and the bad are tied together. They have given up discrimination. The sun and rain play hide and seek. But this dissatisfied Man is only going to give disgust, hatred, perversion, disorder and poisonous feelings, signs, tremors and rumors by doing everything he can.

    Yes, NEPCA has also received the same from the man here, but it has provided clean air, clean water, nectar fruits, fragrant flowers and natural food grains. This is its biodata. This is its CV. This is its introduction. The small plateau at the foot of the mountain is the geological existence of Nepka village. The stranger who goes here experiences a beautiful natural cave with some supernatural, precious, some kind of indomitable courage.

    Aristotle  had said, “Nature is an imitation of art.” An atheist looks like an atheist. Look at Lama, it is like the Tripitaka. It is like the Gita seen by Hindus. What Muslims see is like the Quran. The Christian view is like the Bible. But what is and what is not? NEPKA! That is why Nepka is Nepka. Couldn’t it be more? I think I should sit here with a samadhi or write with a pen. Should I worship Goddess Saraswati or Lakshmi? Should I play Damaha’s Samar Dundubhi or should I play the drums? Shall we mix the rhythm of Talmizura or should we mix the rhythm of Kal Mizura? This is Nepka, only Nepka.

    Nepka, full of Tamang settlements, has its own ethnic history. According to the Jinapakhas there, the last caste of Nepkels is Thakuri. Thakuri  grandfather and Bhoteni grandmother are the grandparents of Nepkels. It is said they started to introduce by grandmothers caste. Hunting has become the profession of Nepalese. Everything is evolving relative to time. Napkins, which used to hunt quantities during the first snowfall, now spend 12 months hunting using iron wire traps.

    If we hunt like this forever, the deer in the forest will be gone, and future generations will not even know the name of the deer, Nissan. Therefore, it seems necessary to stop this in time and protect the wildlife. Geographically, Nepka village is surrounded by mountains.

    Dolaji practice has been found in Humla till about two decades ago. A vivid example of this is Nepka village. The Tamangs here are proud to be the children of Chan Thakuri.

    Time attracts something from time to time and sometimes it is disgusting. Sometimes a sacred thing is sometimes unholy. Therefore, it is time for the Bansis, who identify themselves as the descendants of Thakuri, to sniff out the remnants of the feudal culture of the past and go through the process of tribal enlistment.

    This serene, beautiful and sacred place reflects the defiled spirit of Deurupa. Should it be washed away so that other  are not born? But for the Nepalese, this has been a source of joy and surprise. Are all natural people here and others and also others? Neither education, nor health, nor communication, nor the presence and activism of any government body? Therefore, its voice does not reach to Singha Durbar and Shital Durbar. For this, it is necessary to search for Baliraj Sai. For this, Ram Bahadur Tamang should be the VDC chairman. For this, Moti Tamangs should become teachers. For this, Ranjit Tamang should read A, B, C, D. For this, Narajang Tamangs should be writing news. Only then will there be Nepka, Nepka, otherwise the same primitive Nepka, the same natural Nepka, the same organic Nepka?

    Every morning from September to April of this village, one is amazed to see the sun rising and setting seven times by hiding in the lap of various mountains around the village. That is why we must visit this village once to experience the unique experience of the nature. Nepka is very curious to welcome you .

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