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  • Child Psychology

    Shreehari Adhikari17 May 2021
    २४३० पटक
    17 May 2021

    Today, I am going to talk about Child Psychology. We all know what is crime and what are the elements of crime, We can get all those from the Internet. we have learnt the definition of crime as “crime is an offence that merits community condemnation and punishment, usually by way of fine or imprisonment. This is different from a civil wrong (a tort), which is an action against an individual that requires compensation or restitution. I was very surprised that even children below age group of 10 commit crime with full intention and preparation. According to my research, a child with a parental support and guided with the morals of the family had less interest in any criminal cases or the things related to crime, police and other. But in other hand children who are orphans or those who don’t have the support of the family that mean who are not bounded with the morals and values of the family have interest regarding this field , but I am not saying that orphan children or, the children’s who are alone in this world have criminal mind and other things.

    we should understand their feelings and respect them. when a child comes into this world he learns what he sees from their parents doing, the way they speak , what ever they do and in future he or she will do, the same things in life. If a child observers the criminal behavior in front of him/her then will think that this is the work that I have to do. those books, articles which talks about crime and criminology are more probably based under theoretical knowledge. but the way of developing a child psychology according to my knowledge” talk about the day’s activities. Talk with your child about the books you read together. Talk with your child about the TV programs and videos you watch together. Keep books, magazines, and other reading material where kids can reach them without help.

    meaning of all this is ”don’t let them to know about criminal activities it is because children commit what they have observed” So, be positive with your children and discuss good things, positive things with them. This will help them to be motivated and stay positive in their life. If all these things will be done with your children, it will help them to be a responsible citizen of the country and helps to be encouraged and happy .
    (Mr. Adhikari is a student of Law)

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