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  • US Democracy and Chinese Democracy

    Hiranya Lal Shrestha
    ७३४ पटक


    What kind of democracy is American democracy?

    American democracy is a capitalist democracy. Free and competitive governance is a form of American democracy. It is a democracy with a privately owned and market-oriented economy.

    While taking to democracy and human rights, the United States discriminates against blacks and other ethnic groups in Asia. There has also been violence against blacks. George Floyd, an African-American, was strangled to death by police in Minneapolis in May 2020. Russian President Vladimir Putin also raised the issue with Biden. It is like talking about human rights and democracy in the United States.

    Whether human rights are being protected in our country, whether there is equal development of all races, whether it is equal democracy, whether it has been achieved in practice, whether there is white supremacy in the United States. If you can go to an open competition.

    What is Chinese democracy like?

    Chinese democracy is a socialist democracy. The party’s grip on China’s system of governance is strong. Chinese democracy places special emphasis on collective interest. In the Chinese democracy, society is owned. However, Deng Xiaoping and current President Xi Jinping have emphasized a market-oriented economy and attracted foreign investment. Due to this, China has succeeded in importing foreign technology.

    Therefore, the principle of socialist democracy is socialism with Chinese characteristics. Chinese has a characteristic democracy. At present, there is competition between capitalist democracy and socialist democracy. Now, just as China has succeeded in controlling covid-19, especially in vaccine production and distribution, as well as in space science, it has made great advances, and its development in technology is at an advanced level. Therefore, the use of socialist democracy for prosperity is characteristic of China.

    A few days ago, at a meeting of the G7 and at a NATO meeting, US President Biden called for strengthening the unity against China. Such alliances are being formed because the United States alone cannot sustain China’s achievements and economic development.

    Similarly, America has been trying to bring B3 against BRI. So, there is a difference in governance between the US and China. Protects not only political rights but also social, cultural, and economic rights in China. Similarly, China has been trying to narrow down the gap between rich and poor again. China protects the prosperity of all people. But not so in the United States. You have to go to free competition in America. The one who can earn more, lives in a glorious way, while the one who can’t, loses, is wiped out.

    So there is a big difference in values, thinking, and priorities between American and Chinese democracies. Therefore, the United States has a prejudice against the Chinese system and has used human rights as a means to interfere in China. This is the main difference between the two countries.

    China has adopted an open policy to import foreign technology. That cannot be called capitalism. I have visited China many times and understood the views of the people there. There is socialist democracy. China has implemented an open market economy for prosperity. So if someone says there is no communist system in China that is also wrong. It is a great example of what China has done to take a new step in the development and raise the living standards of the people.

    At present, China has accelerated its growth, surpassing that of the United States. The United States is trying to raise the bar in some parts of China, saying that if human rights are taken away, the people can be raised against the Chinese government. But it is important to understand that Hong Kong should be loyal to China.

    But repeated movements there have also affected Hong Kong’s development. Now there is a review on this issue. The United States still holds Taiwan, but it is an integral part of China. As for Xinjiang, the US is working to uplift the Uyghur community there under various pretexts. Therefore, such activities are aimed at accelerating China’s development.

    While taking to democracy and human rights, the United States discriminates against blacks and other ethnic groups in Asia. There has also been violence against blacks. George Floyd, an African-American, was strangled to death by police in Minneapolis in May 2020. Russian President Vladimir Putin also raised the issue with Biden. It is like talking about human rights and democracy in the United States.

    Whether human rights are being protected in our country, whether there is equal development of all races, whether it is equal democracy, whether it has been achieved in practice, whether there is white supremacy in the United States. If you can go to an open competition.

    China is currently engaged in the modernization of technology, the modernization of markets, the modernization of production, and the modernization of space studies.

    In terms of China’s system of governance, China is moving forward under the leadership of the Communist Party. Although there is a Chinese Communist Party, there are many parties that support and advise it. In China, there is no competition between the parties and there is a spirit of cooperation.

    The Chinese National People’s Congress is the parliament of China, while the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) is convened to give various advice and suggestions to the Chinese government. Therefore, there is no competition between the six parties and there is a cooperative partnership.

    The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC) is attended by prominent personalities from different classes, regions, and communities across China. Even though China has a communist regime, the views of non-communists are also taken into account.

    The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) has ego and historical significance in the political system of the People’s Republic of China. The role of this body in some of the political questions determined by China will be written in golden letters in the pages of history.

    The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC) is an important institution for providing mutual assistance and political consultation among many other parties led by the Chinese Communist Party. It is also an important system for developing socialist democracy in China’s political life.

    The importance of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC), which has already decided on the use of the Chinese capital, national flag, national anthem, and AD, has been proved.

    After the establishment of the National People’s Congress, China’s supreme national official body, in 1954, the executive power of the highest national official body vested in the Political Consultative Conference was vested in the National People’s Congress. Even without the supreme executive power, this consultative conference remains as a patriotic united front. The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) includes national conferences as well as various other local committees.

    The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC) was jointly established by the Chinese Communist Party and various other democratic parties, independent personalities, and various people’s organizations before the founding of New China. The first plenary meeting of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) was held in Beijing in September 1949.

    The same meeting announced the establishment of the People’s Republic of China and elected the first National Committee of the Central People’s Government and Political Consultative Conference chaired by Mao Zedong. The main function of the Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) is to discuss political consultation, democratic monitoring, and participation in government work and politics. Of these, the proposal is the most direct, concrete, and effective way for the members of the Political Consultative Conference to participate in government work and politics. What is particularly important here is that there is a vast difference between the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC) and the Senate or upper house abroad.

    The People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC) of China is a political body for the exchange of cooperation, political consultation, and mutual monitoring between the Communist Party of China and various democratic parties and independents. This is the main difference between the socialist democracy in China and the parliamentary democracy in the West.

    The “Constitution of the People’s Republic of China” states that the people’s rights are vested in the People’s Republic of China. The National People’s Congress and various levels are the governing body of the people

    The People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) of China is a political body for the exchange of cooperation, political consultation, and mutual monitoring between the Communist Party of China and various democratic parties and independents. This is the main difference between the socialist democracy in China and the parliamentary democracy in the West.

    Regional self-government applies to places inhabited by various ethnic minorities, and those autonomous areas are all integral parts of the People’s Republic of China. The People’s Republic of China National People’s Congress is the supreme body of state power. China has a unicameral parliament. It is made up of representatives nominated by the various provinces, autonomous provinces, and union territories, and the People’s Liberation Army. Therefore, China has a multi-party partnership system, without a multi-party competitive system of governance like in western countries. At present, China is moving towards with equal emphasis on the rule of law. Therefore, human rights are expanding day by day in China. Human rights should be for raising the living standards of the people. Offensive language is not a human right.

    -Hiranya Lal Shrestha is a Senior writer and Diplomat

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