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  • Bhaktapur police arrested 3 for engaging in obscene activities

    Bhaktapur post9 july 2021
    २८४४ पटक
    rajesh thapa DSP9 july 2021

    Three people, including a woman, have been arrested for engaging in obscene activities inside a government vehicle. Bhaktapur police have arrested them.

    According to a Bhaktapur Post source, the police team of the Metropolitan Police Circle Jagati arrested a woman and a man from inside a government vehicle on Wednesday. Both were arrested naked. Another man was arrested outside the vehicle on Thursday. They had stopped the vehicle on the way to pilot Baba ashram and envolved in physical contact.

    It is learned that the government vehicle belonged to the Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens. Police have not released any official information about the vehicle number and the arrested person. According to Bhaktapur Post sources, the Jagati Circle is conducting necessary investigation on the three accused by extending the five-day period from the District Administration Office Bhaktapur on Thursday. 

    Police said that action has been initiated against them under Section 123 of the Criminal Code Act 2074 BS for not having sexual intercourse in a public place (Mahal (1)) and further investigation is underway.

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